Family Engagement
Family Engagement Resources
Click each resource to learn more!
Best Practices: Parents and guardians play a huge role in supporting a poet-athletes' success on and off the field. Families should be directed to the on the Family Resource Center ( to learn more about DC SCORES. To increase parent/guardian engagement, we suggest the following:
Hold a Family Meeting - No need to prepare your own presentation, just make a copy of the slideshow, below and input your coach names and practice days.
Poet-Athlete Contract & Parent/Guardian Contract - Set clear expectations and processes to ensure all stakeholders understand their role on this team. Having poet-athletes and parents sign a contract (at your parent meeting) is a great way to increase awareness and accountability for program expectations.
Refer families to the Game Day Expectations for Families|Expectativas de Días de Juegos para Familias
Collect Forms - Safety is our top priority. Our registration form ensures poet-athletes are covered by our insurance in case of injury. Make sure that all poet-athletes are registered at
See these best practices--and more--in the "Family Engagement Tips" document.
Team & Family Meeting (Slides)
Make a copy of this presentation here! Feel free to download and edit as needed for your team and family meetings.