Coach FAQ

General questions

How do I get DC SCORES gear?

Coaches can get DC SCORES gear by attending our in-person Coach Trainings. Gear is distributed to coaches after finishing our in-person training workshops. Coaches can also reach out to their site manager for gear requests.

How can I share stories about the impact of DC SCORES?

We’d love to hear your stories, and use them in our reports to funders and promotional materials. Please reach out to your site manager if you’d like to share a story about the program’s impact on a student, you, or your school.

How can I contribute to DC SCORES?

You can contribute to DC SCORES online here. Please email if you’d like information about donating directly from your paycheck. Thanks for your support!

How does DC SCORES get its funding?

Our funding comes from a wide range of sources including individuals, corporations, foundations, and government grants. Our development team works hard to secure this funding, and relies on the information we receive from you (attendance, fitness data, registration forms, and stories) to report to our funders on programmatic outcomes.

Is DC SCORES on social media?

Yes! Find compelling content and interact with us on Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube!

How can I get D.C. United and Washington Spirit Tickets?

DC SCORES is offered D.C. United and Washington Spirit tickets for coaches and/or teams. Check out the D.C. United and Washington Spirit Tickets tab on the top of the CRC to request tickets. We’ll be sure to let you know when you're confirmed!

Payment and paperwork

When will I get paid?

Each season has two payment dates. In the fall, coaches are paid in October and December. In the spring, coaches are paid in April and June. Direct Deposits are made on the 15th of the month or the day after and checks are mailed or ready for pickup on that day.

What paperwork is required to coach for DC SCORES?

Each school year, you must complete and submit a DC SCORES coach agreement, W9 and submit negative TB results from the past two years. If you do not teach at a DCPS school, you must complete at DCPS background check. 

If I do not have all paperwork in, how will that affect my pay schedule?

If you do not have a coach agreement, W9, and DCPS background check to DC SCORES 10 days before the first payment date in the season, you will not receive payment until the end of the season. If a coach agreement and W9 is not in at the end of the season, you will not receive payment until the pay cycle following your submission (i.e. if you submit your paperwork on 6/17, you will get your paycheck on 7/1). If you have submitted a coach agreement and W9 but NOT a background check, your paycheck will be processed on schedule but will not be released to you until the receipt of your negative TB test.

Can I get paid via direct deposit?

Yes! Please indicate in your coach agreement that you would like a direct deposit. If you’d like to change your method of payment mid-season, contact your site manager or email

How do I know my pay rate?

Coach pay rates are determined based on how long you’ve been coaching with DC SCORES. Completion of two seasons as a paid coach bumps you to the next pay level for the following season. For example, if you’ve coached for an entire fall season and an entire spring season, you will be paid as a “level 2” coach the next fall season. More information can be found here. Please reach out to your site manager with questions.

What is included in each paycheck?

The October paycheck includes payment for sessions in September as reported on your attendance document. The December paycheck includes payment for sessions in October and November, as well as training and liaison bonuses. The April paycheck includes payment for sessions in March as reported on your attendance document. The June paycheck includes payment for sessions in April, May, and June, as well as training and liaison bonuses.

What if my TB test has expired?

You will need a new TB test every 2 years. Please get a new TB test as soon as possible. Contact if you’d like a recommendation of where to get a TB test.

Are there additional paperwork requirements if I do not work at the school where I coach?

Yes. If you are coaching at a DCPS school but are not employed by DCPS, you will need to get background check clearance through DCPS. These background checks last two years. We will follow up with you if this applies to you.

How do I access attendance?

You can access attendance on the site workbooks page. The attendance sheet is a google sheet, so you’ll need to be logged in with the email you provided on your coach agreement. If you’re having trouble, contact your site manager. 

What do I do with registration forms?

You should enter registration forms here. Once you do, you’ll find the student’s information inputted directly into the “student registration” tab of your attendance sheet. If you are unable to enter the forms online, contact to make other arrangements. It’s most important that all forms are entered in the first week of programming. 

What should I do if a registration form is incomplete?

Please do your best to get the missing information as soon as you can. We’d suggest taking a picture or scanning the form and sending it to your site manager before you send it back home, so that we can ensure to keep whatever information we have.

When do coaches get their training bonus?

Coaches will get their training bonus at the end of the fall and spring seasons.

What does the student registration form and waiver cover?

The registration form covers all DC SCORES related activity for the school year. It also provides students younger than 16 with supplemental medical insurance. Though the form covers all field trips, we recommend sending home an extra permission slip for anything that is outside of regular programming time. 

game day questions

How will we know if a game is cancelled?

A message will be sent out on TeamSnap the day of the game letting you know if a game is cancelled. If you do not hear from us, then the game will be happening as scheduled. 

What do we do if a game is cancelled?

Please hold a regular practice if the game is cancelled. If it’s raining, see if you can use an indoor space or play a game in the classroom like soccer jeopardy.

Can parents ride on the bus?

Parents cannot ride the bus. Please reach out to your site manager if you have questions. 

Can we get more games or schedule our own?

Each team plays a set number of games in the league.  This makes it fair to all teams involved and allows us to create standings. If you would like to schedule friendly practice games then please discuss this with your site manager.

How is the game schedule made?

DC SCORES game schedule ensures that all teams play the same amount of games and are in locations that makes the most of the play time. Teams are matched with others in the league who have both girls and boys sides or one single coed team (for middle schools and recreation centers).  

What should I do if my bus isn’t here?

First, check around the school as the buses sometimes go to the wrong entrance. If you still don’t see the bus call the bus driver and your site manager. We’ll get in touch with the bus company and let you know what’s going on.

What are the current league standings?

We record the results on every we play in our DC SCORES league. League standings will be published on Mondays on TeamSnap. 

What should I do in the case of lightning or inclement weather during a game?

If there is lightning during your game day, stop the game and seek shelter in a safe place. Please keep your team off the field for 30 mins, check the weather again, then if the lightning has passed please retake the field. 

What is the DC SCORES staff member’s role at game days?

The DC SCORES staff member is there to help solve any problems that arise. They will lead a fair play talk for all players at the beginning of the game, and will be present to observe and help out as needed until the away team has departed the site. In some cases, the staff member will also referee the game.

Whose responsibility is it to set up the field for game day?

It is the home team’s responsibility to make sure that goals are set up and the field is cleared for game day. DC SCORES staff will line the field periodically or make other arrangements with you. If you need help setting up the field, let DC SCORES staff know ahead of time. 

coaching questions

Who do I contact if I have a problem?

Contact your site manager or email with all questions/problems. 

Do all coaches need to attend DC SCORES events?

All coaches must attend trainings or make them up online. Soccer coaches must attend games, Fall Frenzy and Jamboree, and writing coaches must attend Poetry Slam! However, we encourage all coaches to attend these important events.

What should I do if I need to miss a soccer or writing practice and I have no co-coach?

First, you should try to find a substitute from the school, or switch the writing and soccer days to have the other coach cover. If you cannot find a solution, contact DC SCORES and we will help you figure it out. Please let us know if you’ll be cancelling or changing a practice time for any reason. We know that consistency is critical to having a strong and safe program and would like to help you make that happen.

What do we do when daylight savings occurs?

Please do your best to finish practice before it gets dark out, or move practice inside when you can. We will be sure to end games before dark, unless the field has lights. We’d advise sending home a letter explaining that writing and soccer practice will continue - it’s important to keep attendance up to have a strong end to the season.

What should I do if a student gets injured during a practice or a game?

Remain calm and assess the injury. Keep the student still and calm and do not move the player until they are ready to move. Use your DC SCORES first aid kit to treat minor injuries. All accidents need to be recorded and monitored using an incident report form. If a student is hit on the head then the parent/guardian should be informed when they pick up their child. If there is an emergency situation then 911 will be called. A parent or coach should accompany the child. See Safety Policy.   

How do I schedule my practices and what should I do if the schedule changes?

It is up to each school to determine their schedule, as long as it includes two writing sessions, two soccer sessions, and one game day each week. At the beginning of the season you will let DC SCORES know your schedule on your Team Planning Sheet. If you need to change your schedule, please let your site manager know. It’s helpful for us to know when you’re meeting so that we can drop off equipment or come by to help out.

What training does DC SCORES provide?

DC SCORES provides two in-person trainings each year and multiple virtual training opportunities. These are mandatory for all coaches, and are a great opportunity to meet other coaches, learn about DC SCORES programming, and get tips on the curriculum. We’re also available to support you and help with anything you need during the season, just contact your site manager or We can provide you with extra resources or connect you with others depending on your needs.

How do I create a strong team culture?

DC SCORES’ three core values of teamwork, leadership, and commitment are a great way to enforce good behavior, responsibility, and team culture. We’ve developed some structured ways to teach and celebrate these throughout a three month season. We especially emphasize setting team expectations at the beginning of the season and rewarding students with extra playing time or other leadership roles. Please get in touch if you’d like to discuss a particular behavior issue.

What should we do with equipment and uniforms at the end of the season?

Please collect uniforms and equipment and keep them at the school to use in the spring. The equipment you received in the fall is to be used for the entire year.

How is the training location determined?

When choosing a training location, we look for sites with field, gym, and classroom space that have easy access to metro or parking. Please let us know if your school is interested in hosting a DC SCORES training.

How can I get families involved in DC SCORES?

Invite families to game days and special events! Teams should hold a family meeting at the start of each season to share about DC SCORES and expectations for the team. At some sites, families volunteer to help set up the field for game day or practice with students before the Poetry Slam! 

soccer questions

How do I get more equipment? What can students keep?

Please fill out this form if you are in need of additional soccer gear. Jerseys must be collected and stored at the end of each season. Players are welcome to keep shorts, shin guards, and socks which will be issued in the fall for use over the entire year.

What if I don’t have enough girls/boys for a team?

We hope that teams will make an effort to recruit more players to be able to field a boys and girls team. This ensures that as many students as possible get to participate in DC SCORES! Contact your site manager for help. If there are not enough players on a game day, the team with too few players will forfeit. Coaches are able to work together to come to an agreement of how to still play the game despite the forfeit result. Find the full description of our league rules here

What can I do for water for soccer games?

All players, home and away, should be encouraged to bring their own water bottles. Home teams with access to a convenient water source should notify travelling team coach of a location upon arrival. If you would like to request a large water jug for your site, please fill out this form for availability. 

I’m new to coaching soccer. How do I design a strong practice?

Take a look at the curricula up on the CRC. If you’d like to get some tips from a staff member, please reach out to your site manager.

poetry and service learning questions

Do I have to follow the writing curricula?

The curricula are resources for you and contains structured lessons that you can easily implement. Most coaches find them to be really helpful! You do need to follow the scope of the season that is laid out in each curriculum, and you will see that some lessons are required. However, you may adapt lessons to fit the needs of your team, and may also add in your own creative ideas as you choose! We would love it if you would share any ideas or successes you have with DC SCORES staff so that we can help other coaches. 

What supplies are provided for writing?

In the fall you will receive 32 notebooks and a bin with pens, pencils, markers, etc. This should last the whole year, but fill out this form if you need additional supplies. In the spring you will also receive a poster board for the service-learning poster competition.

When does DC SCORES do poetry and service-learning?

Together, poetry and service-learning make up the writing component of DC SCORES. Fall is poetry season, and students have poetry twice a week and perform in the Poetry Slam! In spring, those writing days become service-learning practice instead.

Who performs at the Poetry Slam!?

Every DC SCORES team is expected to perform at the Slam! Each DC SCORES participant should have either a speaking or movement role in their school’s performance. Due to the large number of performers we ask that only the students perform at the Slam!

What is service-learning?

Service-learning is a teaching and learning strategy that integrates meaningful community service with instruction and reflection to enrich the learning experience, teach civic responsibility, and strengthen communities. It is different than community service, because it is a process, one that involves planning, reflection and more. 

How do you teach service-learning?

Similar to the fall, DC SCORES has developed a thorough curriculum for service-learning. If you have additional questions about service-learning please reach out to your site manager. 

What do I turn in to DC SCORES during service-learning?

There are 3 deliverables due to DC SCORES in the spring season (two required and one option). First is the required project proposal, which shares about your intended issue area and project plan. Second in the optional minigrant application -- fill this out if your team would like funding from DC SCORES to buy materials for the project. Lastly, is the required poster, which must share how you completed all four stages of service-learning and is due at Jamboree! We also hope that you will share pictures and information about your project throughout the season! DC SCORES staff members love to hear about what you are working on!